Saturday, August 28, 2010

Honeymoon Registry!

Asian weddings in general don't really include much of a gift registry because cash is the traditional and expected gift.  I wasn't much interested in the idea of a registry at all until I came across the idea of "honeymoon registries."  WHAT IS THIS AWESOMENESS, you ask?  It's pretty much how it sounds: you register elements of your honeymoon--it could be anything like flights, meals, room upgrades, excursions, even the accessories you'd need for your trip!

The site I browsed through to look at samples was Honeymoon Wishes.  They have samples for all the destinations they have.  Here's one from a Cancun registry!

Although I'd still rather have cash gifts to contribute towards building a home, I would entertain the idea of at least a small honeymoon registry if people wanted to register gifts.  Also, this is a great registry alternative if you already have a furnished home with your significant other.

A bit more form-fitting

I saw the following dress from Claire Pettibone's Fall 2010 bridal collection (Willow) and just loved the detailing on the top and back! 

The bottom part of the dress, I don't feel too strongly about.  But this is a gorgeous, unique design that demands an updo! :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Soda Bar! And other edible/drinkable delights...

The mister and I are not big drinkers (though he can certainly hold his liquor better than I could), so I was delighted to see this:

A soda bar?  Adorable!

These jars are lovely!  Plus it gives us a lot of flexibility on what we'd like to serve, alcoholic or not. :)

Other treats I've run into: HEART-SHAPED MACAROONS. OH.  EM.  GEE. (Click on the image for the recipe.)

Finally, I love how beautiful and refreshing cherries would be to serve as a snack for guests!  This bride had set these up as a post-ceremony snack for guests and had decorated the bags using a Martha Stewart edge punch and a "With Love" stamp she bought from eBay.

Edit: Just saw an idea for a DIY cupcake bar!  I'm not crazy about the execution, but it's another option to consider and could be fun. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I love the crystal headband look!  I found these on Etsy but neglected to save the links to the vendors' sites. :(

Mermaid Silhouettes

Expanding a bit on my last post, I'm going to start looking at mermaid-silhouette dresses for inspiration.  Here are a few I've seen that I like so far: